Sunday, June 13, 2010


Hm I am in such an odd mood at the moment. I have a horrid headache, but still I sit here with a smile on my face. Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture is playing and the air in my room is filled with the scent of vanilla. I just finished watching one of my favorite movies, but I will let you guess which one, and now I am sipping my tea, contemplating what to do next.

Perhaps I shall watch the House on the Haunted Hill? For I am craving Vincent Price... Or perhaps I should sit down and read? But then again... I have no books which I have not already read at least a hundred times. And my new books will not arrive for another week or so.

Ah yes, I haven't told you about that yet, have I? I have ordered a nice little collection of books, all written by Jane Austen. It is an adorable set, and will fit nicely into the library I intend to have at some point in my life.

At any rate... I think I will cease my ramblings for the moment and run off in search of more culture. And tea, of course! I always need more tea!

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