Friday, October 21, 2011

A Haircut and a new Coat

So~ Earlier this week I got my order from Innocent World containing my new brown/creme coat and dark red socks! So when I went out with my Friend Emma I just has to put together an outfit with both things.

Both the coat and the socks are absolutely to die for. I love them to death.

Oh and I had been planning for a while to get my hair cut and today I finally had my appointment. Gone is the long, long hair that reached down to my hips~ I was both excited and nervous about the whole ordeal but in the end I was very pleased with the results.

As I promised some of my friends... Here are before and after shots:

Better pics of the new hairstyle will come later when it isn't so dark outside.


MsMoon said...

oh me gosh, i love your new haircut and innocent world coat! absolutely adorable! ^^

Rosalia said...

Oh my god your hair is amazing! It was and it still is. : D

Arathin said...

You look adorable! It suits you perfectly :)

Sapphira said...

The coat is gorgeous <3 It must have been scary to cut off so much hair, but your new style is really stunning!