Right, so ever since I got my absolutely WONDERFUL antique desk and started arranging my work space in my room last year I have wanted to get good, or at least semi-good, pictures of it. Sadly, other things kept getting in the way and/or the desk was SO cluttered and things were thrown everywhere so that there wouldn't have been possible to get good pictures even if I tried. I'm really good at creating a creative CHAOS when I work and it usually takes me several months to get to the point where I feel I can start tidying up.
Now, however, I got some sort of... I dunno super powers or something. Despite being sick and feeling generally shitty I somehow got the energy and will to start cleaning up my mess. I'm not QUITE done yet but most of my work space is all neat and tidy now so I thought I'd finally get those pictures taken.
They're not wonderful or anything but eh... at least they give you an idea of what it looks like where the hatting magic happens! :3
So, my desk. With hats, hat boxes, material boxes, my sign, some flowers and feathers... You get the general idea.
Oh and a lint roller! Never forget that. I don't have enough hat boxes to keep all my hats stowed away so I need something to help keep the dust off them.
Hats. Most of them are my own save for the black tricorne in the top right corner. That one is a commission in progress. Also, most of the hats that are mine, my own, my precious... erhm yes. Most of them are years and years old and therefore look like crap. Someday I'm gonna scrap them, take the decorations and make brand new hats for myself. Someday... when I don't have a million other things to do >.>...
Material boxes, my sign and some half done hats and corsages.
Right, this part is exciting! This is the corner where I keep almost ALL of my materials such as flowers, ribbons, fabric, leaves etc. I stripped out that part of my bookshelf just to make room for all the boxes. The flowers are all sorted according to color so that I can find the ones I want more easily.
The view from my window. It's actually quite pretty in the summer/spring. Not so nice on dreary, rainy autumn days though.
Most of my workspace with my bed visible on the right hand side.
One last photo now... just because I ADORE my desk. It's enormous and amazing. Also hidden under it is my wonderful antique-looking phone. It's actually modern and should work today, but it doesn't. Someday I'm going to have someone take a look at it to try to make it work. Because it's gorgeous.
Well, that's all for now. :3 Now I'm going to get back to work. More things need to be put into their places and then I have some commissions to work on.
Hej! Jag älskar verkligen dina hattar, de är så fina! Jag undrade bara, gör du commissions? Jag skulle verkligen vilja köpa en hatt ungefär som denna: http://i48.tinypic.com/25876dt.jpg Fast i svart, med massa rosor och grejer :3 Om det är möjligt, hur mycket skulle det kosta?
Hej Anon!
Jag har inget bättre sätt att kontakta dig så jag skriver här och hoppas att du kommer tillbaka och läser.
Jag skulle definitivt kunna göra en liknande sådan där hatt. Kostnaden beror dock väldigt mycket på vad för sorts tyg du vill att jag ska använda, samt hur mycket blommor och dekorationer du vill ha.
Men om du verkligen är intresserad av att beställa en så kan du maila mig på: Kamalia@Imperialfiddlesticks.com
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